Green Veggies aren't evil...Pinky Swear!


If getting your kids excited to eat vegetables sounds about as likely as them swearing off iPad time in lieu of unpaid chores, I hear you. Green vegetables like Brussel sprouts, asparagus, broccoli, and green beans are particularly vexing to Small Fries and it's not entirely their fault.

Biology is actually working against them. Nature tells their growing bodies to reach for sweet, starchy, fatty foods rich in calories for sustainability. Avoiding the natural bitter compounds found in green vegetables is a survival mechanism suited to ward off any food that seemed poisonous. Now, we are far beyond the days of our Small Fries foraging the forest floor for food, so it's our job as parents to help them become familiar with all things green.

When I am working with a new Small Fry, I pull out all the stops introducing new vegetables in a fun, child-centric method:

  • Grocery store field trip- Bring your Small Fry with you to pick what looks yummy and unique! Let them see, touch, and decide for themselves what looks interesting to try. It may take a bit of encouragement on your part to explain, "red bell peppers are crunchy and sweet" or "sugar snap peas have tiny peas inside their pods that are so fun to pop out!". Giving your small fry an introduction to what they may expect from unfamiliar food, will help them to start imagining what it may taste like to their palate.

  • Pick unusual seasonal, finds- I can't tell you how many kids I have converted from veggie-phobic to veggie-curious by bringing home a giant stock of Brussel sprouts (still intact) standing about as tall as they are, or a potato that reveals a vibrant violet hue when peeled. Picking up yellow carrots complete with their gorgeous, long green fronds may seem enticing to even the most persnickety eater.

  • Fat, Salt, Roast- I think I could eat almost anything coated in browned butter, seasoned liberally with salt, and roasted in the oven. The same is true for your Small Fry. Roasting vegetables in the oven in a generous helping of delicious fat and salt is setting yourself up for a successful exposure.


How could a child not be curious about this stalk?

It's all about enticing your small fry!

That's the magic, if you can pique their interest and curiosity, they will taste and decide for themselves!


Classic Roasted Spring Asparagus


Pistachio Matcha Cupcakes with Green Tea Creme Frosting