Pistachio Matcha Cupcakes with Green Tea Creme Frosting

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These pistachio matcha cupcakes are an homage to Benihana's green tea ice cream, the first "Yummy and Unique" dessert I learned to adore as a child. Before I knew what ingredients were in their ice cream, I called it green tree ice cream, and devoured every bite! Back in the '80's the green tea ice cream automatically came to each table without an option for other desserts, thus removing the safe choice for the boring and familiar strawberry or vanilla. Ice cream seemed familiar enough to try, even though it was green, so I dove in.

I apply the same principles to cupcakes. What child isn't going to try a cupcake when presented to them? I love making these cupcakes with kids because they become mesmerized by their unique hues. Cracking the nuts out of their plain shells to reveal vibrant chartreuse pistachios with their burnished plumy skins, and watching the matcha powder churn swirls of the most beautiful intensities of green into what would be an ordinary cupcake batter, is magical to watch.

It's important to note, these pistachio matcha cupcakes do have caffeine, although a very low level. If you are at all concerned check out what the American Academy of Pediatrics says about caffeine intake for kids.

If you are having trouble locating green tea matcha powder, here is a brand I recommend.

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