Classic Guacamole

Classic Guacamole Pinterest 2.png

Procuring the perfect avocado is key to perfecting classic guacamole at home. Channel your inner Goldilocks to find a few that are “Jussssst right!”. The perfect avocado is always of the Haas variety; grown in California or Mexico and easily recognizable by its dark greenish-brown and bumpy texture my Small Fries call “dinosaur eggs”. Hass avocados are supple, flavorful and buttery thanks to their rich fat content, and are far less watery than the bright green Floridian/Caribbean varieties.

The avocado you take home should have a bit of “give” to its flesh when you gently press into it and should feel heavy for its size when placed in your hand. I tend to scavenge for the ones that haven’t been man-handled too aggressively, otherwise, you may find bruising when you cut into them.

Choosing a rock-hard avocado will be an abysmal disappointment; the meat of these avocados is waxy, flavorless, and completely un-mashable. Working with hard, unripe avocado is an experience you will never want to repeat again and attempting to remove the pit could leave you victim to what the UK has dubbed “avocado hand”. Do yourself (and your hand) a favor, and let these unripe babies sit out at room temperature for a day or two to soften up before using.

If all you see at the market are dark black avocados that leave impressions in the skin when you touch them, these are over-ripe! Step away and walk directly towards the refrigerated section for the next best thing; fresh salsa!

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PS. The "Have'A Corn Chip" link it just for you to see the bag... Amazon only sells these in 24 packs (unless you're planning on making A LOT of guac!)




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